Special Edition Embroidery Hoop Workshop in collaboration with Spit Bite Studios

Utsavastu and Spit Bite Studios are teaming up for our very first screenprinting with embroidery hoops workshop!
Join us on April 27th from 1:30-5pm for an afternoon of fun and creativity!
The workshop will take place outdoors at our beautiful studio with a home cooked lunch included. We will be using embroidery hoops stretched with screenprinting mesh and screen filler to paint in our designs, which will then be screenprinted on tote bags.
Participants will be able to create up to two separate designs to be printed onto two tote bags. Tote bags will be ready to take home at the end of the workshop. No previous printmaking experience or art making experience is needed! Participants can come with their own designs or select from pre-made designs.
The workshop fee is $50 which will cover the cost of inks, bags, hoops, squeegees, other materials, and lunch. Lunch will be vegetarian; please list any food allergies prior to workshop. This workshop is open to ages 8 and up- all children MUST have a parent or guardian present! Workshop is limited to 10 participants.
1:30pm-2:30pm: Introductions, demos on how to paint and print screens, participants start drawing up their designs and painting out their screens
2:30pm-3:30pm: Lunch break
3:30pm-5pm: Printing designs and creating second design
Any questions please contact Stephanie Berrie at stephanie.berrie@outlook.com or Radha Lakshmi at www.radartist.com
Address: 2519 Moorman Ave, Apt. 1, Cincinnati, OH 45206
(Plenty of street parking, come up through the driveway)
Hope to see you there!