PhD 2005/06 Cross-Cultural Indigenous Art Research Darwin, Australia (unfinished) Charles Darwin University, NT – Australia
MFA 2000 Summa Cum Laude Printmaking University of Wisconsin-Madison
BFA 1997 Magna Cum Laude Printmaking Art Academy of Cincinnati
Areas of Specialization
- Community Artist
- Cross Cultural Ritual Artist
- Leadership Through Arts (LTA)
- Art and Mindfulness Workshops
- Mentor
- Visual Art Printmaking
- Mandala Art
- Curator
Professional Experience
- 2019 Healing Mandala Workshop for women, Moorman Studios, Cincinnati, OH
- 2019 Word Refugee Day Mandala Event, Xavier University and Wave Pool, Cincinnati, OH
- 2019 Friday Orange Series Curator, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati, OH
- 2018 Performance Art at the Table and Storytelling, Moorman Studios, Cincinnati, OH
- 2018 Rain Delay, Performance Art at the Table and Storytelling, Moorman Studios, Cincinnati, OH
- 2018 Lotus Blossoms program, as well as at Indiana University Mandala Art Residency for India Week, Bloomington, Indiana
- 2018 Community Prayer Flag Collaboration Event at the Moorman Studio, Cincinnati, OH
- 2017 Artist in Residency painting workshop, 5th Graders, University of Milwaukee High School, Milwaukee
- 2017 Healing Mandala Art workshop for grieving mothers sponsored by Mother Love, at Moorman Studios, Cincinnati, OH
- 2017 Mandala Community Art, Contemporary Art Center, Children’s Art Opening of Artist Ugo Rondinone, Cincinnati OH
- 2016 CET Arts Video Interview
- 2016 Mandala Leadership Event for High Five Hair Salon at Moorman Studios, Cincinnati, OH
- 2016 Mandala Art for the community and Artswave at Kennedy Heights Art Center, Cincinnati OH
- 2016 Mandala Art for the Community at Kennedy Heights Art Center, Cincinnati OH
- 2015 Artists Reaching Classrooms, TAFT Museum, Cincinnati, OH
- 2015 Commissioned Artwork for Protons Building, Cincinnati Children’s
- 2015 Commissioned Artwork, Core Values of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
- 2014 Scripps School Educator, Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati OH
- 2013 Commissioned Artwork for Children’s Hospital Cancer Center, Cincinnati,OH
- 2012 Commissioned Artwork for Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati OH
- 2012-14 Teaching artist for Autistic adults, Starfire Council of Cincinnati OH
- 2012-14 Teaching artist for after school programs through, Carnegie Art Center,KY
- 2011 Adjunct Faculty, Part Time, Printmaking, Art Department, NKU, KY
- 2009-14 Artist Reaching Classrooms through the Taft Museum Cincinnati, OH
- 2006-09 Visiting Art Consultant, Srishti School of Art, Design, and Technology, Bangalore, India
- 2005 Cross Cultural Art Workshop with Aboriginal Community, Darwin – NT, Australia
- 2002-04 Part time teaching artist for the Community Education, Art Academy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati- OH
- 2002 Part Time Summer, teaching artist, ArtWorks, Job Training for Teens, Cincinnati, USA
- 2001 Lecturer – Graduate and Undergraduate Level – Printmaking, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Exhibitions – Solo Shows
- 2014 “Bindu – The First Circle” – Gallery One at Brazee Street Studios, Cincinnati, OH
- 2013 “Imprint of Life”, January 2010, Xavier University Art Gallery, Cincinnati, OH 45207
- 2009 “Samsara”, August 2009, Clay Street Press, Cincinnati OH
- 2005 “Faces of India” – Exhibition of Photographs, Pendleton Art Center, Cincinnati, OH
- 2001 “Sacred Thread” – International Exhibition of current prints, The Nehru Center, Cultural Wing of the High Commission of India, 8 Audley Street, London W1K I HF- England
- 2000 “Traditions and Beyond” at Commonwealth Gallery, Madison, WI, USA
International and National Group Exhibitions
- 2014 “Women’s International Show” – YWCA, Cincinnati, OH
- 2014 “So they say – Wisdom and Foolishness” – NKU Printmakers, The Carnegie Art Center, Covington, KY
- 2014 “The University Club group show, Cincinnati, OH
- 2013 “International Sister Cities Exhibition of Prints”, Nancy, France
- 2013 “Multicultural Expressions of Faith” – Xavier University National Exhibition,Cincinnati OH
- 2013 “Dream Clouds and Butterfly Kisses” – 5th Street Gallery, Cincinnati,OH
- 2013 “In Your Dreams” Northern Kentucky University, KY
- 2012 “International Sister Cities Exhibition of Prints”, Pendleton Art Center, Cincinnati
- 2012 “International Sister Cities Exhibition of Prints”, Netherland Hilton Hotel, Cincinnati OH
- 2011 “Femme”, Kennedy Heights Art Center, Cincinnati OH
- 2010 “Worlds of Wonder and Whimsy”, August 15th, Mary Barr Rhodes, Studio Cincinnati OH 45214
- 2010 “Chennai Revisited”, Noble Sage gallery, London, England
- 2009 “Prints and more Prints”, Clay Street Press, Cincinnati, OH
- 2007 “India Through the eyes of its Woman”, The Noble Sage Art Gallery, London, England
- 2007 “Maya”, Women’s Exhibition, Artworld Gallery in Chennai, India
- 2013 “Women – A World of Inspiration” National Portrait Gallery, London England
- 2006 “An Instance of This”, The Other Gallery, Banff Art Center, Alberta, Canada
- 2005 “Decahedron – The Force of Creative Command” at Flinders St. Gallery, Sydney, Australia
- 2005 “India at Arad”, International Biennale of Art, Romania
- 2005 “India at Arad”, Indian participation at Arad Biennale Romania
- 2005 Art Alive Gallery, New Delhi, India
- 2004 “Feminine Eye” – The Galerie Sara Arakkal, 10th to 24th December 2004, Bangalore, India
- 2004 “Artmantram”, Bangalore International Art Festival, Chitra Kala Parishid, Bangalore, India
- 2004 “Women’s Group Show”, Exhibition of women’s work, Jundt Art Museum, Spokane WA
Awards, Fellowships and Grants
- 2015 Commissioned Art for Children’s Hospital, Proton Therapy Center, Union Township, Cincinnati, OH
- 2014 First Artist in Residence at Brazee Street Studios
- 2013 Purchase Award, Multicultural Expressions of Faith – Xavier University National Exhibition,Cincinnati OH
- 2012-13 Commissioned Art works for Children’s Hospital of Cincinnati, OH
- 2012-13 Artswave “Healthy Art” grant from Carnegie Art Center, Covington KY
- 2008 Fist Full of Films, 2007 Galah Awards, Finalist, Darwin, NT – Australia
- 2005 PhD Research Scholarship, Charles Darwin University, NT – Australia
- 2001 “Highly Mentioned Award”, Printmaking Council of New Jersey, NJ, USA
- 2001 Deans Club Graduate Student Research Award, School of Education, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, UW Fellowship and Vilas Award
- 1997 Winner of Praga-Press Student International Competition, sponsored by Praga Industries Co., Ltd. Ontario, Canada and American Print Alliance
Conferences Presented
- 2008 29th Annual National Women’s Studies Association conference June 19-22, 2008, Cincinnati – OH
- 2005 “Crossing Cultures”- A joint postgraduate conference, Australian National University and Charles Darwin University: The Museum and Art Gallery, Darwin – NT, Australia
- 2005 National Women’s Studies Conference – “Asian and Pacific Women: Indigenous and Diasporic”, Southern Connecticut University, New Haven CT
- 2004 National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference, “Women in the Middle: Borders, Barriers, Intersections” Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- 2001 Panelist in “The World of Women Artists” at the “Feminism: A World Power 2001 National Conference,” organized by the Chicago Women’s Caucus for the Arts, Chicago, IL
- 2001 “Pencil to Paper, the International works on Paper Symposium” – 27th July, College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Visiting Artist, International and National Workshops and Lecture
- 2012 CCC Spiritual Art Camp, 30 July-3 August 2012, Christ Church,Cincinnati OH
- 2012 Sacred Journal Workshop, Transfiguration Spiritual Center, Cincinnati OH
- 2012 Sacred Journal Book Arts Workshop,”Synchronicity in Art and Spirit” Tiger Lily Press, Cincinnati, OH
- 2011 Narrative Art Workshop” through mixed Media printmaking Techniques, Northern Kentucky University at the Printmaking Department, True Body Project classes at Women Writing for a Change, Cincinnati OH
- 2011 Mandala Workshop,’One Night One Craft’ at Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati, OH
- 2009 Visiting Artist, Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island
- 2008 Visiting Artist at Rhodes College, Art Department and Asian Studies Department, TN
- 2005-08 Visiting Artist and Art Colloquium series, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- 2005-08 VCross Cultural Art Exchanges with Indigenous women from the Northern Territory of Australia
- 2004 Visiting Artist Lecture, University School of Milwaukee, WI
- 2003 Invitational International Visiting Artist and collaboration work with artists at Buku-Larrngay Mulka Art Center in Yirrkala, Northern Territory, Australia
- 2002 Invitational Artists Talk ‘Women Sacred Ritual Traditions: Painted Prayers to Mother Earth’, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
- 2002 Invitational Visiting Artist and Talk ‘Women Sacred Ritual Traditions:Painted Prayers to Mother Earth, Printmaking Department, University of Gonzaga, Spokane, WA
Curated Exhibitions
- 2012 “The Art of Storytelling – Traditional and Contemporary Art from India”, Northern Kentucky University
- 2009 “Metamorphosis”, Change and Continuity’, PAC Gallery and Phyllis Weston and Annie Bolling Gallery, Cincinnati OH
- 2009 “Metamorphosis”, Change and Continuity’, PAC Gallery and Phyllis Weston and PAC Gallery, Cincinnati OH
- 2009 “Metamorphosis”, Change and Continuity’, PAC Gallery and Phyllis Weston and ArtWorks Gallery, Cincinnati OH
- 2004 Aboriginal Prints: “Yolngu Fertility”, Arcade Gallery, Jundt Art Museum, Spokane, Washington, USA
Professional Affiliations
- National Alliance for Media Art + Culture
- College Art Association
- Tigerlily Press
- Midwest America Print Council
Gallery Representation
- Jana Manuelpillai,
Director The Noble Sage Art Gallery
2A Fortis Green,
Barnet London, N2 9EL,
Permanent Collections
- Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati OH
- Children’s Hospital Cancer Center, Cincinnati, OH
- Protons Center, Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati OH
- Clay Street Press, Cincinnati, OH
- Charles Darwin Art Gallery, Darwin, Australia
- Flinders St. Gallery, Sydney, Australia
- Madison Art Center, Madison, WI
- Jundt Art Museum, Spokane, WA
- Porter Butts Gallery, Madison, WI
- Grace Chosy Gallery, Madison, WI
- Steendrukkerij Amsterdam Print Studio
- Northern Editions, Northern Territory University, Darwin, Australia
- Basil Hall Edition, Darwin, Australia
- Safe Harbor, Child Advocacy Center, Madison, WI
- Many private Individual art collectors