Artworks’ Mandala Dedication
The Mandala Mural Dedication event took place on Friday, July 26. Sydney Fine from ArtWorks kicked off the event with a warm welcome and event introduction. Expressing gratitude, Sydney sought to celebrate the “Lotus Mandala” mural, designed by Walnut Hills resident and Visual and Community…
Women Warriors: Exploration of Divine Femininity
In the heart of Indian culture lies a profound reverence for the feminine divine, a narrative beautifully captured in the art series explored in Women Warriors series. These original screen prints offer a visual odyssey that intertwines the mystic allure of femininity with the indomitable…
Signup For My New Newsletter: “Southern Drift: Tales & Traditions of the Indian South”
As a SD Newsletter Subscriber, you will part of an exclusive group that will receive early access to new collections, behind-the-scenes looks into the creative process, and invitations to private events. My newsletters are designed to inspire, inform, and connect you with the vibrant world…