Healing Mandalas
With sincere gratitude, dear friends, and family, I present you a gift of my creativity. We are all together in a forced quarantine, and the next few weeks are going to be challenging because of the COVID- 19 pandemics. It is going to be hard…
Life After Art School: A Panel Discussion @ Art Academy of Cincinnati
A Panel Discussion moderated by the new Art Academy President — Joe Girandola and AAC student Caroline Bell. This event was transformational to students that are trying to understand what a future of Art looks like. I took it very seriously. Some of the thinking…
Performance Art Dinner 2
This night was very different from Performance Art Dinner 1 in June of 2018 because we had to take it inside. Rain delayed the first schedule and the second try was not going to be canceled. Everybody who wanted to participated in the story telling…